
 I know its been a while since I updated but heres the latest news. We are gearing up for another attack on someone that will not be listed if you want to know who and want to be apart of the attack message me. It will take at least four people including myself to pull off. On a positive note I have been working with people on our banner that should be done shortly. We have an alliance signature now so if you are active on the forums and would like a Nemesis signature let me know and I will get it to you. 


 I realize there have been many attacks going back and forth between the Nemesis alliance and many other people. We have Basel attacking three lower members that we cant seem to stop his military has grown dramatically. Then we are fighting a war with the Aztec Angels who are ranked like 70th something on alpha....... The Aztec Angles do not know where most of you are. But lets face it we seriously need to clean house. For the next few weeks I want everyone and I mean everyone damnit  not one or two people to start bulking up there military because we are about to give the Aztec Angels, Basel, Zweipac. "Yes MAE I know he has been attacking you you should have said something." but yes we need to tie up these wars so we can rebuild, because I for one am extremely low on resources even after that awesome gift you all sent me.

 So first step find out if we can work out peace with Zeipac. Obolix because you are the diplomat I will leave this task to you.

Next we need to show basel that he cant push us around he wont sacrifice his whole military just for us so that means phalanx and archers and lots of them send them to defend not attack.

Then we can figure out what to do about the angels and work from there.

 I am going to be ffinding a new site for us. I know that some of this is difficult to read so hopefully by the end of the month I will have found a new site for us. Here is the Sig for the Nemesis alliance.







Just copy paste 
and it should 

 Click on the link to view info, news or instuctions for nemesis members.

 The Nemesis alliance is an alliance of war. A waring alliance will only work if there are many active members willing to fight. I'm not sure if everyone knows or understands what direction I am going with this alliance. My goal with Nemesis is to become the largest alliance collation in Alpha. " Yes bigger than the Titan Collation." To never sign a peace treaty EVER. Even if it means relocating the alliance to get away from certain people. We will never become someone's training alliance I just have to much pride to do that.   

                                         MvpRockstar Leader Of Nemesis. 2/7/09


 Hello current members or future members  of Nemesis the website is currently under construction and will be constantly updating if you have information you need to tell someone in the alliance and are unable to do so through the game this will be the place to do it.

Day 2

I have 3 people lined up to join. We are growing quickly , but five people is not strong enough. If we have three more  then we can take down any player no matter how large that isn't in an alliance and pillage him dry.

 Day 4

Wanted to say welcome to our new general GiusKindus, but even though we have 3 members its still not enough. So continue to invite people every day but do not make them feel pressured. That is very important.

Day 5

 We were getting bigger every day now that we have six people I am starting to think that maybe its time to pick a target. Just let me know next time someone is attacked, and lets hope that the attacker is in an alliance because that will be our first war.

 Day 7

I was just given the O.K sign by iPwn the leader of Skippy333's alliance so pillage him freely.

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